Featured! Compact+ Picking Lorry

“The calculated Return on Investment is worth putting money aside for the purchase of Compact+ Picking Lorries” – Dutch mushroom cultivator

In 2016 we developed the Compact+ Picking Lorry with a Dutch mushroom grower. The reason for this was that the market lacked an effective picking lorry that is compact and/or foldable and can be handled all by the picker herself. This facilitates the efficiency of picking by having a lorry that can be fully operated by the picker herself, without any help. This includes independently taking the Picking Lorry from growing room A to B.

Initially we focused on the Dutch, German and Belgium mushroom market. We held a pitch at The National Mushroom Days 2018 and all growers received a postcard in their mailbox with information about this new product.

The Compact+ Picking Lorry also grabbed the attention of Mushroom Valley and MID-News who dedicated an article about this new innovation.

The last two years we have gotten lots of positive feedback on the Compact+ Picking Lorry. Now it is time to expand the capacity and give more pickers the possibility to work with this user-friendly product.

If you are interested to know more about the highly demanded Compact+ Picking Lorry, please visit Compact+ Picking Lorry or contact us directly.

The link above includes additional information about the product, references from other growers that already use the Compact+ Picking Lorry and videos of the product in action.

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